Xhoir is a non-utilitarian vocal ensemble focused on exploring group singing through a variety of techniques. Xhoir is open to anyone interested in exploring their voice as a tool for learning or re-posturing a new relationship to singing and listening. Prior participation in choral or vocal practices is not required, but any prior experience with listening and engaging experimentally in a musical or studio practice is encouraged. 
Xhoir was founded in 2010 in New York City by Colin Self, and has since transformed into a multi-city amorphous network of Xhoir organizers and participants. The current NYC Xhoir is organized by Caitlin Baucom, René Kladzyk, Leticia Sampedro, and Jade Thacker. Weekly Xhoir sessions convene in homes, studios, and public spaces and include pre-meditated vocal exercises, spontaneous games, and the ongoing collection of Xhoir scores.

Xhoir at MoMA PS1 @ Caitlin Baucom's 'Spittle of the moon'